Comments, Suggestions and Complaints

It is the policy that all comments, suggestions and complaints are dealt with quickly and effectively.


We shall make every effort to provide the best possible service. However, there may be occasions when people are not happy with the service.

We recognise the right of all residents, relatives, representatives and members of staff to inform us of any problems or complaints they may have.

We are always looking to improve our services. All comments, suggestions and complaints regardless of how small they may appear will be treated seriously and used to improve the service offered.

In the first instance, please make your complaint as soon as you can either during or directly after the event. Either speak to a staff member or the person in charge on duty.

All complaints received will be recorded and investigated by the Manager within seven days of receiving the complaint.

In the first instance every effort will be made by the Registered Manager to rectify the complaint.

The Manager will make arrangements to discuss the outcome of the investigation with the complainant.  

If you are not satisfied with the findings / actions taken by the Manager then you can contact the operations manager and head office.

However, if the Home cannot rectify the complaint to the complainant’s satisfaction after a period of no longer than 14 days (subject to unavoidable delays agreed by all parties) the complainant may at any stage contact the Commission for social care and inspection (CQC) at the following address:  

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

City gate


Newcastle Upon Tyne


03000 616161

Despite everything that we do to provide a secure environment, we know that residents may become dissatisfied from time to time. To tackle such problems we will do the following:-

Provide, and when necessary operate a simple, clear and accessible complaint procedure.. Any complaint should be directed to the senior person in charge who will attempt to deal with the matter immediately.

Take all necessary action to protect residents legal rights.

Make all possible efforts to safeguard residents from every sort of abuse and from the various possible abusers.

Residents have the right at anytime to contact CQC with regards to a complaint even if an investigation is on going.


You will have at least one primary nurse designated who will work closely with you. If you want to complain, feel free to speak to that person or any other staff member. Your health care assistants will help you to make your complaint in any way they can.

If you wish you can make your complaint to the manager or head office.

Your complaint will be fully investigated and discussed with you and your advocate, if appropriate.

If you are not happy with the way the complaint is being handled or the outcome, then please contact the Care Quality Commission.

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