Quality Care

We wish to provide the highest quality of care, and to do this we give priority to a number of areas relating to the operation of the home and the services we provide.


Health and personal care

We draw on expert professional guidelines of the services the home provides. In pursuit of the best possible care we do the following:-

Produce with each resident, regularly updated, and thoroughly implement a plan of care, based on an initial and then continuing assessment.

Seek to meet or arrange for appropriate professionals to meet the health care needs of each resident. Reviews will be carried out in the communal area in privacy or the Service User’s own room. The resident invites who they wish to their review. families and other care professionals are invited on the resident request to ensure a person centred approach is adopted and adhered to.

Establish and carry out careful procedures for the administration of resident medicines.

Take steps to safeguard resident privacy and dignity in all aspects of the delivery of health and personal care.

Treat with special care, residents who are ill, and sensitively assist them and their relatives at the time of the illness.

Religion and Culture

Residents may attend religious services either within or outside the home, as they so desire. If services are outside the home, the resident should, if necessary and where possible, arrange for transport and accompaniment with friends or relatives. In the event of this not being possible, care staff may accompany residents on specific occasions if staffing levels permit.

Residents have the right to meet clergy of their chosen denomination at any time. If required, a private room will be made available for such meetings.

Daily Life and Social Activities

It is clear that residents may need care and help in a range of aspects of their lives. To respond to the variety of needs and wishes, The Home offers a wide range of activities designed to encourage the client to keep mobile, and most importantly, take an interest in life. The Homes employs Activities Coordinator. It is encouraged that relatives who can spare the time to come in to share their hobbies/skills with the service users. 

Staff encourages and in certain instances help residents to pursue their hobbies and interests.

Residents can play the following games using the equipment that is designed for fading sight:

  • Cards
  • Bingo
  • Ball games – feet or hand
  • Exercising
  • Arts & crafts
  • Puzzles

Activities with staff (on a daily basis):

  • Chatting to individual residents
  • Playing games
  • Armchair exercises
  • Reading letters/magazines/newspapers
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Music and sing-a-longs
  • Maintain life long hobbies, crossword puzzles etc
  • Reminisance Groups    


All outings are geared to residents’ needs and capabilities and due to this a limited number of residents can go on any one outing. 

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